Pratiche di sopravvivenza e di dissoluzione. Una testimonianza sulle possibilità di ripresa nelle pratiche coreografiche di Altroteatro e Sistemi dinamici altamente instabili


  • Alessandra Sini   



This article submits some opportunities of reprise, expressed in the choreographic work of Altroteatro and Sistemi dinamici altamente instabili, of which the author has personal experience. This is the theoretical contextualization of the choreographic research in Italy, implemented through the tools of analysis of the movement and of the choreographic practices. The documented experiences raise some issues related to the possibility and the actualization of the idea of choreographic repertoire, questioning the methods of transmission/incorporation and preservation of the choreography in contemporary times, and the role of the dancer related to the choreographic creation. The body (of the dancer, of the audience and of the researcher) emerges as a possible living archive, as a vehicle of knowledges, as a medium of experiences - induced, aware, sensitive and affective -, holder of the memory of the new performativity and protagonist of its historicizing.



How to Cite

Sini, A. (2015). Pratiche di sopravvivenza e di dissoluzione. Una testimonianza sulle possibilità di ripresa nelle pratiche coreografiche di Altroteatro e Sistemi dinamici altamente instabili. Danza E Ricerca, 7(7), 55–82.


