Dramaturgies of the Gaga Bodies: Kinesthesia of Pleasure/Healing
Gaga is a movement language which Israelian choreographer Ohad Naharin developed since 1990s and which is applied in daily practice by the Batsheva Dance Company members. Gaga has two tracks: Gaga/dancers, which is the daily training of Batsheva Dance Company members, now taught also for other dancers in Israel and abroad, and Gaga/people, open to the public and available for anyone at any age. This study focuses on a multilayer analysis model of the dramaturgies of gaga bodies, both during gaga people (open classes) and gaga dancers (intensive courses) training and during the audience experience of assisting to the repertory work of the company. Its based on empirical experience of gaga language such as “practice as research” and reflexive embodiment. It discusses the notions of continuum and script, kinesthesia of pleasure and vitality, somatic modes of attention and cultural perception of dances gestures.
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© Biliana Vassileva 2016
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