Born within the dance studies promoted by the University Degree in Entertainment Disciplines of the University of Bologna, the journal represents an open and flexible space to disseminate the researches and observations of the Italian scholars of this discipline, with a particular attention to younger University scholars. The type of contributions, according to the varied nature of the subject being studied and the most recent disciplinary approaches, ranges from historiography to theory to reviews, with an extensive use of research tools deriving from interrelated disciplines such as anthropology, philosophy, sociology and pedagogy.

The journal is listed in the main online catalogues of scientific pubblications.

Publisher: Dipartimento di Musica e Spettacolo - Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna
Scientific Directors: Elena Cervellati, Elena Randi

Scientific Committee

Editorial Board: Marco Argentina, Silvia Garzarella, Stefania Onesti, Caterina Piccione, Giulia Taddeo, Silvia Zanta
Graphic Design: Carlo Fava, Éden Peretta


Current Issue

Issue 16 (December 2023)
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